Thursday, March 28, 2013

Non-Horror Exploitation: Death Race 2000 (1975)

The 70's of course were the years where exploitation films got released in rapid succesion. Films that usually had no boundaries and a director that was willing to go all the way to entertain, shock or thrill the viewer. As does in Death Race 2000 where driving over innocent citizens get you many points in the ''Death Race'' which is a national sport in the year 2000 which was the scary future in 1975. 

A champion of a brutal cross-country car race of the future where pedestrians are run down for points has a change of heart while being hounded by rivals and a conspiracy seeking to stop the race.

The cars kinda look like the Hot Wheels toy cars, that I used to own hundreds of, and therefore are kinda cute. The kills are a bit less cute though. They are all pretty damn brutal and more gory than I suspected.

David Carradine does a decent job as ''Frankenstein'', a lead character and one of the Death Race racers, but he isn't amazing either. I think all the honor  should go to a young Sylvester Stallone who does 
unsuspectedly good and is pretty funny as Machine Gun Joe Viterbo, another one of the Death Race racers. He's a guy with a a crazy short temper and an unhealthy obsession on beating Frankenstein. Pretty much every scene that features Stallone is a succes and a source of a lot of humor. And that's a relief as Death Race 2000 does have some moments where it all becomes a bit of a drag. There is also enough great looking women (and nudity) to keep you interested and sharp. 

The race itself isn't always very convincing, partly due to the fast-motion scene's (although they are not as shitty looking as in for example Mad Max 2). Another annoying thing about Death Race 2000 is the sub-plot of ''The Resistance'' that I didn't care for to much. 

Death Race 2000 doesn't quite live up to its reputation (for example there are numerous times where it is mentioned how many points driving over a child is and there are some close calls but it never really happens).  Though the film does have its charms and also Stallone is great in this movie. If you are an exploitation fan than it still is a must watch, even if it is for its reputation alone. 

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